Whatever the goals and aspirations you want to fulfill, your ability to reach those goals is largely in your own hands. Ultimately, it’s all about freedom—the freedom to choose your own path and live the life you’ve always wanted.

From the crew.

NeXters, doom and gloom is a growth industry and 24/7 news coverage has paralyzed many of you to future possibilities. Guard against irrational pessimism—America’s best days lie ahead. Every tomorrow will be the best day, full of opportunities that have never been.

So, catch the wind in your sails—dare to dream, explore, and discover! Let 2018 be the year that you seriously start working towards the future you want to achieve. When that day comes, it’s gonna be a great feeling. At YPGBlog, we will do our part to help you succeed.

From the captain.

Thank you, dear subscribers. I truly appreciate you. Btw, we’ll be in the doldrums temporarily while we construct a handsome new look for our website. No worries mates. We’ll make it quick! Meantime, relax and have a cuppa. We’ll get ‘er done. ~ Brian

Believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path.

~ Steve Jobs, Apple founder

Learn more about this, and other interesting topics, in the Young Person’s Guide to Wisdom, Power, and Life Success.

Image credit: “A sailboat is sailing” by David Baileys, licensed from 123rf.com (2018).